Friday, March 1, 2013

Blogging for the first time!

Blogging is something completely new to me.  People around me blog about their lives, crafts, fashion, and business but I was hesitant about starting my own blog. However, with the opening of my Etsy store, Little Things, I decided to dive into this virtual world of blogging.

In my blog, I'll be posting about anything and everything! You can expect to see a glimpse into my married life, some DIY projects, food, fashion, great Etsy finds, books, and of course my jewelry!

For starters, since my 30th birthday is just around the corner, I thought it would be fitting to put together some birthday cards I absolutely adore.

From top left to bottom right: JulieAnnArtWit and WhistleLittleSlothPaper SourceLittle ThingsHappy Dappy BitsDeluce DesignHappy Dappy BitExit 343 Design

Can you tell I love typography and simple designs? What can I say... I'm a simple gal who likes simple things.  Out of these 9, which one do you guys like the best?